By sharing real-time information about our terminal processes via MyTerminal, you can optimize and plan your container logistics. MyTerminal is ECT's digital platform, specially developed for shipping companies, operators, logistics service providers and shippers. A MyTerminal account is required to access this platform. With a MyTerminal account you get access to the functionalities relevant to you via both web and app. This way you can access 24/7 and everywhere the latest operational status information.
MyTerminal meets all security requirements with regard to identification, authentication and authorization for data sharing. To each company (unique Chamber of Commerce number) a MyTerminal Administrator (MTA) is assigned. The MTA is responsible for managing the company's relationship with ECT. The MTA is authorized to invite other colleagues to MyTerminal or to revoke their access. The MTA can also set the authorizations for various functionalities per user.
For more information about MyTerminal, go to