On 4 September 2018 as of 13:00 hours over 400 Hanjin containers (reefers (ultra), open tops, flats , 20 ft and 40 ft standard containers) will be auctioned under the control of the bailiff at the Hutchison Ports ECT Delta terminal, Europaweg 875, 3199 LD Maasvlakte, havennumer 8200.
The bidding at the execution auction will take place per lot but it will also be possible to bid on all containers at once. The majority of the containers is stacked at the ECT Delta terminal. Prior to the auction a tour along the majority of the containers is arranged. Due to strict safety regulations the containers can only be viewed from the touring car and no visual inspection is possible.
If you want to participate at the auction, please notify ECT in advance by email (number of persons, name, company) at Peter.nebel@ect.nl or Tom.klijsen@ect.nl
13:00-13:30 hrs
At the parking area in front of Building 5 (on the right hand side of the entrance of the ECT Delta Terminal) a touring car of ECT (Leo Ringelberg) will be ready to pick up the participants of the auction. At the touring car you can register yourself for the auction. You need to have an identity card with you.
13:30-14:30 hrs
The touring car departs accompanied by ECT employees for the visual tour of the containers.
14:30-16:30 hrs
The touring car will continue to drive to Building 34, where the bailiff will start the auction – Dutch - of the lots of containers in accordance with the auction conditions. Afterwards the touring car will transfer the participants back to the parking area at Building 5 outside the
ECT Delta terminal
For this auction specific conditions have been declared applicable by the bailiff and the list of auction lots has been made available. see below (Dutch only).
Please do not forget to;
- timely register your presence: Peter.nebel@ect.nl of Tom.klijsen@ect.nl
- to be present on time on 4 September at 13.00 hrs, parking area Building 5, click here for the route description
- bring your identity card (without id you may not access the terminal)
- be aware that the auction will be held in Dutch
Click here for the auction conditions (Dutch only)
Click here for the list of auction