Hutchison Ports ECT Rotterdam will be introducing two new road transport tariffs as of 1 January 2024. The tariffs, a Climate Tariff and a Distribution Surcharge including Distribution Premium, are designed to contribute to the climate objectives and to achieve a better distribution of road transport at our terminals. Please find below a detailed description.
Climate Tariff
The Climate Tariff is intended to realise a modal shift and to contribute in a broader sense to the climate objectives. The Climate Tariff amounts to €2.50 for each visiting truck and applies to the ECT Delta as well as to the ECT Euromax terminal. The Climate Tariff does not apply to zero-emission trucks, since they contribute to the climate objectives.
Distribution Surcharge and Distribution Premium
The Distribution Surcharge is €13.50 for trucks, visiting the ECT Delta and/or the ECT Euromax terminal on weekdays between 5:00 am and 7:00 pm. The surcharge is imposed for each visit. At the same time a Distribution Premium will be introduced. Trucks visiting the terminal during the night and/or in the weekends, will receive a concession of €4.50 for each visit. The combination of the Distribution Surcharge and the Distribution Premium has the following conditions: surcharge and premium are calculated separately per terminal per month and passed on each month. ECT does not pay out, but up to three night and/or weekend visits can compensate for one daytime visit.
More information can be found at via News/Dossiers, where up-to-date information will be posted, including 'frequently asked questions'. A help desk has been set up for questions about the new tariffs, the invoicing and MyTerminal. This can be contacted via